Several bloggers are taking this 100 push-up challenge. I read through it and it seems so DAUNTING. I have no idea how many push-ups I can actually do (and I'm a little afraid to find out.)
I'm wondering if I can get Hunkahubby to take this challenge with me . . . .
What do you think? Dare I risk it?
Although I know I need to work on my strength - my biggest problem area is my abs (and my chins - but I have yet to find a working exercise for those!!). A fellow blogger posted a great guide for working on your abs.
If you are like me and have already tried every possible ab machine known to man, and all it did was become a place to hang the laundry - well then maybe you should just try this!
Hmmm - and maybe, I could attempt the push-up challenge WHILE working on my abs??
I'm not sure I'm ready for that much commitment just yet! :-)
Have a great Wednesday!
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yes you do sisterfriend!
commitment schmmitment
just get up each morning and DO dont TRY.
Miz, who is done with her suzy sunshine and asks you to email her if youre stuck for more motivation.
Do it! Do it! :-) I'm doing it! And I SUCKeth enormously at push-ups. But that's the great thing, you start on whatever level your ability puts you on. And you improve!
And pushups are great for abs. Wish I could help with the chins but I'm still looking for that one myself. :-)
You can do it! :)
you should totally do the push up challenge! and, i've noticed that while doing it, my abs have been sore, so maybe it can help get you started?
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