10% Goal Met

Friday, May 16, 2008

I have now officially lost 10% of my starting body weight. Yay. It feels good. I do notice that I'm feeling better and my clothes are getting baggier.

Now that I've met my first big weight loss goal - I have to start incorporating more exercise. I have been trying to park far away from stores when I shop, I walk up and down the stairs myself (rather than making the kids fetch things for me), and I've been walking around the neighborhood in the evenings as weather permits. My knees haven't been bothering me as much, which is awesome.

I had an "Oh My Gosh" moment this week as I compared Mother's Day pictures from last year, to this year. I would share them here, but I don't think I can bring myself to do it. I cannot believe what I looked like in last year's pictures. Wow. It was not very pretty. This year's picture isn't so bad and I can even tell that I'm happier and healthier in the picture.

I am on my way. I know I still have a long road ahead. But this is the first time in my life that I really feel like I've made a change in my habits and the way that I view food.

How are all of you doing this week?


carla said...

delurking :)
and that's a tremendous change---yes, the weight but more specifically the NEW HEALTHY HABITS youve added.

for sure cause for celebration.


carla said...

Ok saw your comment and smiled (initially my thoughts totally) and had to swing by:

I love chia for many reasons and one is the IT KEEPS ME FULL!

Did you get a chance to see the initial post?

Have a great day.


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