Reviewing the JumpSnap!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes, I'm finally reviewing my fun new gadget - the JumpSnap Ropeless Jump Rope.

The JumpSnap comes with two jump rope handles, a handy carrying case and weights that you put inside the handles to help with arm strength. (You can add up to 3.)

You can set up your JumpSnap for 2 different users. Enter your height and weight and it keeps track of the number of calories burned, number of jumps, and how long you've been jumping.

You can also choose to have the jump rope 'snapping' sound while you jump or you can turn it off. I think the snapping sound helps with getting into the "jump rope rhythm".

There is a TALK button that you can press if you're too lazy to look at the readout (or too blind to see the digital numbers, or you like to jump rope in pitch darkness) - and it will tell you how many calories you've burned, number of jumps, and amount of time spent jumping.

Just remember to CLEAR the numbers each time you jump or you'll think you're done before you start. ;-)

Here, my beautiful Hunkahubby is showing us how he jumps rope with the PINK JumpSnap that he is threatening to spray paint. (Notice his fuzzy audience?)

(Please ignore the basket of hangers in the background - focus on the kitty instead . . . yes, the poor thing is having trouble healing from her spay surgery and has to wear an e-collar.)

So - as you can see - the JumpSnap is not only a great exercise tool - but also great entertainment for cats!

I really like the JumpSnap so far. You can take it with you to hotels, use it while you're watching TV and you can use it for short spurts of time. You can use it anywhere and not have to worry about breaking things!!

I like to jump for 10 minutes, put it away for a while and then come back and jump for another 10 minutes. Jump Rope is a great calorie burner! (See this calorie burning chart.) I'm sure I'll work up to longer periods of time as I get used to the idea of working out every day!

The only issue I've found so far is that sometimes you can "cheat" your number of jumps if you wiggle just right, but it doesn't happen often enough to bother me. It definitely gets my heart rate up and gives me a pretty good workout.

JumpSnap also comes with a short DVD that helps you set up your JumpSnap (if you don't like reading directions and would rather someone basically read them TO you) and also has a few short workouts (which I haven't watched yet.) I hope to watch them soon and give you an update on the other types of exercises you can perform using this cool new gadget!

You can buy the JumpSnap at the official website, or on websites such as eBay or The pink Breast Cancer version is on sale right now, and so I purchased mine on Amazon.

Do you have a JumpSnap? Do you love it? Hate it? Let me know in the comment area below!

Tomorrow, I'll review the Bender Ball!


Anonymous said...

It looks interesting, I want one =)

Ruth said...

I have to get this! It's my next purchase. I have the bender ball & it makes a great kick ball for the kids. It works, but I find that it hurts my back. And Jillian Michaels was NOT for me, but there is a new workout called "My Fitness Coach" that got excellent reviews, so I think I'm gonna try it too.

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